Converting an image to and from a byte array

This method to convert from an image to a byte array uses the System.Drawing.Image.Save method to save the image to a memorystream. The memorystream can then be used to return a byte array using the ToArray() method in the MemoryStream class.

public byte[] ImageToByteArray(System.Drawing.Image imageIn)
 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
 return  ms.ToArray();

This byte array to image method uses the Image.FromStream method in the Image class to create a method from a memorystream which has been created using a byte array. The image thus created is returned in this method.

public Image ByteArrayToImage(byte[] byteArrayIn)
     MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArrayIn);
     Image returnImage = Image.FromStream(ms);
     return returnImage;